The Best Places to Find Freshwater Sources

The Best Places to Find Freshwater Sources

Freshwater is a limited resource. With the world’s population growing, water usage increasing and climate change becoming more prevalent, freshwater resources have become more stretched than ever before.

There are many different sources of freshwater available to us. Some are more obvious than others, with lakes and rivers being some of the most common examples of places where we can find fresh water.

There are also plenty of other sources which aren’t so obvious though that still contain useful amounts of freshwater for us to utilize as well.

This article will take you through some of the best places to find fresh water, helping you to have access to these essential resources wherever you may be in the future.

Shallow wells

Shallow wells are one of the most common types of wells in the world. These wells are shallow enough that you can simply dig them out by hand, meaning that they can be very inexpensive to construct.

Due to their simplicity, shallow wells are very useful in areas where there are limited resources, as they can be used to collect both ground water and surface water with ease.

Shallow wells are also very simple to maintain, and will rarely become clogged or damaged due to their simplistic design, making them a reliable source of water in even the most extreme of conditions.

Although shallow wells are effective at collecting water, they are often not very deep, meaning that they are often not the first choice of water source in an area where there is a high level of rainfall.

Rivers and streams

Rivers and streams are a very obvious choice when it comes to the best places to find freshwater, as they will always contain water, regardless of the climate.

One of the advantages of collecting water from a river or a stream is that it is much easier to do so with a simple bucket than it is to dig a well.

Although rivers and streams can be an excellent source of water, you will need to make sure that you avoid any potential contaminants that may be in the water, such as chemicals or bacteria, as these can pose a serious threat to your health.

One way of filtering out these contaminants is to use a basic sand and gravel filter before collecting the water, as this will remove many of the harmful substances from the water, meaning that it can be safe to drink.

Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting rainwater for human consumption. This is usually done by collecting water from rooftops, which is where much of the rain will fall, and then storing it in a container for future use.

Rainwater harvesting can be a very useful way of collecting water in areas where rainfall is high, and is often used as a source of fresh water in arid climates.

One of the main advantages of rainwater harvesting is that it allows you to collect water when it is needed the most, meaning that you will always have water available when you need it.

Due to the large amounts of rainfall that fall each year in many parts of the world, rainwater harvesting can be a very useful way of collecting water from a source that will never run out.

Water catchments

Water catchments are a specific type of water harvesting that is used in areas with high levels of rainfall, with the goal being to collect as much water as possible.

This can be achieved by building a large surface area that is slanted so that the water will collect in a container underneath it. Water catchments can be very effective in areas where rainfall is high, and can be a great way of collecting large amounts of water at once.

Although water catchments are a useful way of collecting water, the quality of the water collected will depend on the materials that are used to create the surface area. Some materials, such as dirt, will be able to filter out contaminants, while others will not, meaning that you must be careful when building a water catchment.

Coastal areas

Coastal areas can often provide a useful source of freshwater for people who live near the coast. This water can be collected from the ocean itself, or from the rivers that flow into the ocean.

Even though salt water is not safe to drink, coastal areas will often contain freshwater, meaning that you can easily collect freshwater from coastal areas if you are near the ocean.

One advantage of collecting freshwater from a coastal area is that it is likely to be plentiful, as most of the water will come from rainwater, which will be plentiful in coastal areas.

Coastal areas are also likely to be near rivers that flow into the ocean, meaning that they are a good choice for an additional source of freshwater.


Freshwater is an essential resource that we must always be mindful of using. There are many different sources of freshwater available to us, and it is important that we become familiar with all of these different sources, so that we can make sure that we always have access to the water that we need.


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About the Author: Brenda Blue