5 Practical Ways to Remain Hydrated During Long-term Survival Situations

5 Practical Ways to Remain Hydrated During Long-term Survival Situations ‍When you’re in a long-term survival situation, keeping your body hydrated can be challenging. Dehydration is one of the most common health risks that survivors face when they’re cut off from clean water supplies and other resources. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to remain hydrated even if you’re in a DIY, long-term survival situation. Water is crucial for…

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Finding Good Water Sources in an Emergency

Knowledge of Good Water Sources is a Must in an Emergency When you’re in an emergency situation and don’t have access to clean water, it can be difficult to know where to look for drinking water. Without clean drinking water, you could become dehydrated very quickly. This is why knowing where to find clean water in case of an emergency is so important. If you have a natural disaster or emergency scenario…

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Five Ways to Purify Contaminated Water

Five Ways to Purify Contaminated Water When a disaster strikes, safe drinking water is often one of the most urgent needs. You can’t just flip a switch or turn on a faucet to get it, and there may not be bottled water available for purchase somewhere in the area. For these reasons, having an emergency plan for securing clean drinking water is crucial after any natural disaster. There are many different contaminants…

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How Much Water is Really Needed for Survival?

Plan the Amount of Water Needed for Survival Emergencies A gallon of water per person per day is the recommended daily allowance, and for most people this means carrying at least three gallons with them at all times. Remember, in an emergency, having access to a safe water supply can mean the difference between life and death. For most people, it is best to have access to at least 3 weeks of…

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